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STAR Candidate Search Services

Specialized - Transformative - Accomplished - Resilient

Tiers and Pricing

We Offer Three Tiers at Flat-Rates for Each


Hire Leaders

Key Players for Your Team
  • Industry-relevant credentials (i.e. PMP, SHRM-CP, SSBB, etc.)
  • Can optimize organizational efficiency and increase company's ability to meet its goals


Hire Experts

Specialized Talent in Sales, Tech, Engineering, etc.
  • Industry expertise paired with specialized skills (examples include MEDDPICC Sales, Ethical Hacking, Python, SQL, Linux, and more)
  • Higher Education, typically beyond Bachelor's degree level (i.e. MBAs)


Hire Executives

C-Suite/Change Agents
  • Capability to inspire and lead change in the workplace
  • Well established and a proven success over an extensive period of time

Paid Job Board Options

Offering Several Different Options to Suite Your Needs at Scale

  • Premier Partner (Annually)

    - $48,000/year (saves 20% per year)

    - Unlimited Job Listings, and all listings as "Featured"

    - Full 24/7 Talent Pool Access, with up to 5 STAR Candidate Searches per year included

  • Per Bundle

    - 5 Standard Listings Bundle ($1,500)

    - 10 Featured Listings Bundle ($3,000)

    - 25 Featured Listings Bundle ($7,500)

    - 50 Featured Listings Bundle ($15,000)

  • Premier Partner (Monthly)

    - $5,000/month

    - Unlimited Job Listings, and all listings as "Featured"

    - Full 24/7 Talent Pool Access, with up to 3 STAR Candidate Searches per year included

  • Per Listing

    - $350 per Standard Listing

    - $500 per Featured Listing

Checkout Our Careers Site!

Your Job Listings will be posted on this Careers site so that our curated talent pool has access to learn more and apply. We can also use this platform to coordinate interviews and other stages of the hiring process collaboratively.